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pontuação de QI
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Iniciar Teste CertificadoNosso teste é baseado nos estudos psicológicos mais recentes e fornece resultados muito semelhantes aos testes de QI padronizados.
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Qual é o processo?
Take the IQ Test.
Obtain Your Detailed IQ Report.
Find Strengths & Growth Points.
As 5 habilidades cognitivas essenciais que você pode melhorar:
- ReactionQuick reaction time is an incredibly important cognitive function because we use it in our everyday lives and it keeps us safe. Through regular practice with our fun and engaging games, you can build your reaction abilities efficiently.
- LogicImprove problem-solving, critical thinking, and reasoning skills with our brain games that help develop your logic-oriented skills. You’ll be able to approach complex situations and come up with problems easily.
As 5 habilidades cognitivas essenciais que você pode melhorar:
- ReactionQuick reaction time is an incredibly important cognitive function because we use it in our everyday lives and it keeps us safe. Through regular practice with our fun and engaging games, you can build your reaction abilities efficiently.
- LogicImprove problem-solving, critical thinking, and reasoning skills with our brain games that help develop your logic-oriented skills. You’ll be able to approach complex situations and come up with problems easily.
- MemoryWant a stronger memory? Our games will put your recollection to the test. Ultimately, they will empower you to increase your ability to remember things quickly and accurately.
- ConcentrationFinding it hard to focus? We’ve been there! While a lot of us struggle with concentration, taking the time to play focus-boosting games can help. We offer games that challenge you attention through distractions, help increase your focus and teach you to observe even the smallest details.
- SpeedBeing able to process information quickly means you're able to analyse and understand information more easily, and get things done faster. Can you beat your own clock?
- MemoryWant a stronger memory? Our games will put your recollection to the test. Ultimately, they will empower you to increase your ability to remember things quickly and accurately.
- ConcentrationFinding it hard to focus? We’ve been there! While a lot of us struggle with concentration, taking the time to play focus-boosting games can help. We offer games that challenge you attention through distractions, help increase your focus and teach you to observe even the smallest details.
- SpeedBeing able to process information quickly means you're able to analyse and understand information more easily, and get things done faster. Can you beat your own clock?
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Alguns fatos interessantes
QI médio por idade
QI médio por país
USA - 97
UK - 99
AR - 86
AU - 99
BE - 99
CA - 99
CN - 105
EE - 100
IN - 76